
The internet is talking about your

We help you join the conversation

“Denizen helped turn Reddit into our most profitable marketing channel”

Austin Sheppard — Founder of Nuzzie

How it works

Our software scours millions of Reddit posts and comments to find conversations that are relevant to your brand

1. Setup

Tell us which keywords you want to track.

2. Alert

We alert you by Slack or email anytime we find content that matches your keywords.

3. Engage

You engage with the posts and comments we find to help build trust, raise awareness, and drive sales.

Our content alerts integrate with your favorite apps

Why Reddit?

Reddit’s unique properties make it especially valuable to marketers


Reddit comments and posts are permanent and rank highly on Google. Our clients see sales from posts that were created months or years earlier.

High Trust

Reddit has few marketers and is a high trust environment. Our client see much higher conversion rates from Reddit referrals than other channels.


Reddit has thousands of highly targeted niche communities of early adopters and trend setters.

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